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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Study Questions in Anatomy Text

Chapter 2: Pages 14- 15
Study Questions
1. Distinguish between the study of anatomy and the study of physiology.
Anatomy is the Study of the structure of body parts; physiology is the study of the functions of body parts.
2. Give an example that shows the relationship between the structure and function of body parts.
A stomach is a good example; its pouchlike shape and ability to expand are suitable to its function of storing food.
3. List the levels of organization within the human body in reference to a specific organ.
Atom – molecule – macromolecule – organelles - cell – tissue – organ – organ system – organism
4. Distinguish between a midsagittal cut, a transverse cut, and a frontal cut.
Midsagittal – cut divides body into right and left portions. Passes exactly through middle
Transverse – cut that divides body horizontally. Cuts into superior and inferior portions.
Frontal – Cut that divides the body lengthwise into anterior and posterior positions.
6. Distinguish between the dorsal and ventral cavities; name two smaller cavities that occur within each.
Dorsal cavity- posterior side of body. Holds cranial cavity and spinal cavity.
Ventral cavity – anterior side of body. Holds thoracic and abdominopelvic.
10 Define Homeostasis and explain its importance.
Homeostasis means the human body’s internal environment remains relatively constant, regardless of conditions in the external environment. Its important because withought it things like temperature would drop drastically in a cold environment, which could potentially be fatal.

Objective Questions : Part IV and Part V
Digestive System Stomach
Urinary System Kidneys
Respiratory System Lungs
Circulatory System Heart
Reproductive System Ovaries
Nervous System Brain
Endocrine System Thyroid Gland

A organ is composed of several types of tissues and perfoms a particular function
The imaginary plane that passes through the midline of the body is called the midsagittal plane.
All the organ systems on the body function to maintain homeostasis, a relative constancy of the internal enviroment.

Gastrectomy means excision of the stomach.
Macrocephalus means head
Transthoracic means across the thorac cavity
Bilateral means two or more both lateral
Dorsalgia means pain in the back.

Chapter 4 pages 46-47 study questions 4,5,6,8

Describe the structure and function of endoplasmic reticulum. Include the terms smooth ER rough ER and ribosomes in your description.
The endoplasmic reticulum forms a system of canals that branches through the cytoplasm. IF ribosomes attach to this tube it is called a rough ER, if they don’t attach it is a smooth ER.

Describe the structure and function of the Golgi appartus. Mention vesicles and lysosomes in your description.
Golgi Appartus resemble flattened vacuoles. They also form special types of vesicles called lysosomes.

Describe the structure and function of mitochondria. Mention the energy molecule ATP in your description
a complex organelle with two membranes, outer and inner. Mitochondria produces ATP.

Contrast passive transport (diffusion, osmosis, filtration with active transport of molecules across the plasma membrane.--
Active transport requires energy produced by the mitochondria.
passive transport just happens

Objective questions 1 –5

mitochondria powerhouses of the cell
Nucleus control center for cell
Golgi apparatus packaging and secretioin
Rough ER protein synsthesis
Centrioles cell division

Chapter 5 pg 61 study questions 1 3 4 9

what is a tissue? A tissue is composed of similarly specialized cells that perform a common function in the body.

What are the functions of epithelial tissue? Name the different kinds of epithelial tissue, and give a location for each.

Epithelial tissue forms a layer over the body. It protects the body from drying out, injury and bacterial invasion.
Squamous epithelium lines the lungs and blood vessels
Cuboidal epithelim lines kidney tubules
Columnar epithelium lines digestive tract.
Pseudostratified epithelium lines the air passages of the respiratory system.

What are the functions of connective tissue? Name the different kinds of connective tissue, and give a location for each.
Connective tissue binds structures together, provides support and protection, fills spaces, produces blood cells and stores fat.
Loose connective tissue, lies beneath an epithelium
Fibrous connective tissue, found in tendons, and ligaments
Muscular tissue, attached to the bones, found in the viscera, and blood vessels, and in heart.

Name the different types of serous membranes and associate each type with a particular organ or organs.

Serous membranes line cavities including thoracic and abdominopelvic
Pleural membranes line thoracic cavity, covers lungs.
Peritoneum covers the abdomen

1 comment:

Duval said...

Looks good overall. I did not see your answer to contrasting active and passive transport. That's the only thing that I saw was missing