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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Article On Steroids

This article talks about steroid use in the major leagues, And howin the MLB are of control. Players like Ken Caminiti openly admit to using steroids. Other players around the league are becoming more and more open about steroid use, especially amongsts themselves. Even making jokes such as, "That man uses so many horse steroids soon he is going to start grazing...". A lot of the playes dont feel bad about using steriods because they believe it will help them perform better, therefore receive more money to support their family. Whatever the cause, steroids is leading to the downfall of the MLB.

All sports are having their problems, The nba has gambling referees, however they are few. The Nfl has players being arrested every day, and coaches spying on coaches stealing gameplans, however, mainly having little affect on the game of football. However the Mlb is continuing to let players juice up on steroids and if they dont crack down on it now, the players who are not using steroids will start using them to keep up with the competition. Before long , if not already, over 90% of baseballs all-stars will be using steroids. IF this happens the MLB will never input a steroid policy because it will be suspending all of its all-stars. If that happens baseball will be destroyed, noone will watch games. If they dont input a steroid policy, the players will all be affected by steroid, destroying the credibility of the game. The Nfl and many other sports input a steroid policy, even if it means suspending star players, However it deters players from using steroids, improving the overall performance of the sport. I dont like baseball, so it doesnt matter to me. However baseball needs to fix this problem if they want their sport to last.

1 comment:

Duval said...

This is a good summary and reaction. There is only one problem with your summary. Curt Shilling has never openly admitted to using steroids. He is pretty vocal against the use of steroids. The article you read is about Ken Caminiti and his open admission to using steroids.