Purp Forces

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Beauty Experiment

Question: Will people find a person with hair more attractive than a person withought?

Hypothesis: I think that more people will prefer people with hair, because hair has shiny qualities that are more appealing than a bald head.

Experiment: Conduct survey with two pictures (below)asking the question which picture is more appealing/attractive.

Experiment results

Bald Tyra = 6 Hair Tyra = 9
Bald Ricky = 4 Hair Ricky =11

Conclusion: My hypothesis was supported. More people found the pictures with hair more appealing than the picture withought. Out of the 15 people surveyed the majority chose the picture with hair. However the bald pictures were preferred more than i thought they would have been. I believe this is because of abnormal preferences that are simply different than mainstream views. In the experiment there was a variety of people surveyed, including males and females. The pictures were showed to all surveyed, and sexuality could have led to the survey being biased. If i would have done it differently, i simply would have allowed the males only to vote on the female picture, and females only to vote on the male picture, considering the surveyed would be heterosexual.

1 comment:

Duval said...

Beautiful!! Pun intended.