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Monday, September 10, 2007

Questions in text (Integumentary)

Critical thinking 3,6,8

As a rule a superficial partial-thickness burn is more painful than one involving deeper tissues. How would you explain the observations?
one that burns deeper would destroy nerves so you would not feel the pain, not noticing how bad you are burnt.

How would you explain to an athlete the importance of keeping the body hydrated when exercising in warm weather?
I would tell them that the body needs water to operate properly and in extreme heat situations it is much easier to dehydrate if you dont drink plenty of water.

How is skin peeling after a severe sunburn protective. How might a fever be protective.
Skin peeling over a sunburn might protect it from infection, and a fever might be protective because it indicates that there is an infection, and that things in your immune system are working to fight a problem.

Review Exercises 4,5,6,8,13,15,16,22,25,27,28,29
List six functions of skin
vital in maintaining homeostasis,
protective covering
retards water loss by diffusion
helpos regulate body temperature
houses sensory receptors
contains immune system cells
synthesizes various chemicals
exretes small quantities of waste

List the two layers of the epidermis
the two layers are the dermis and hypodermis.

Describe the function of melanocytes:
They produce melanin which provides skin color.

Distinguish between a hair and a hair follicle
Hair develops from hairfolicles, which are at the base of a tubelike depression.

Describe how nails are formed.
Nails are formed by epithelium that divide.

Explain the function of Sebaceous glands
They produce fatty material whichh mixes wit cebum and makes skin soft.

Descibe the bodys response to decreasing body temperature
When the body system drops below normal the nervous system signals dermal blood vessels to constrict and sweat glands to remain inactive. This conserves body heat. If tepmerature continues to drop nervous system signals muscles to contract involuntarily which generates body heat.

Describe three physiological factors that affect skin color
Blood in dermal vessels add color to the skin.
could be well oxygenated producing a pinkish effect.
or in a low concentration of blood oxygen it would appear blue.
The statre of the blood vessels also affect skin color.
Also carotene, found in yellow vegetables, might change your skin a yellower color if you eat too much of it.

Dinstinguish among first- second and third degreen burns
A first degree burn only burns the epidermis
A second degree burn is one that burns some epidermis as well as some underlying dermis
a third degree burn destroys the epidermis, dermis and the accesory organs of the skin.

List three effects of aging skin
The dermis becomes wrinkled.
Slow melanin production causes hair to become gray or white.
Ability to control temperature falters as number of skin falls. Also ability to shiver declines.