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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Reproductive Study Questions

Pages 938 and 939
Critical Thinking Questions: 4, 7

What effect would it have on a woman's menstrual cycles if a single ovary were removed surgically? What effect would it have if both ovaries were removed.
I think that it would cause early menopause becuase of the lack of hormones. I think it would cause much confusion?

What types of contraceptives provide the greatest protection against sexually transmitted diseases? Condoms.

Review Exercises: 1, 7, 8, 10, 11, 20, 29, 33, 38, 40, 49, 54, 58, 61, 62, 63

List the general functions of the male reproductive system.
THey are specialized to produce and maintain sperm, they also transport these cells to the female reproductive tract.|

Outtline the process of meiosis.
Prophase I ----> Metaphase I -----> Anaphase I -----> Telophase I.

List two ways that meiosis provides genetic variability.
Any one of a persons more than 8 million possible combinations of 23 chromosomes can combine with any of one of the more than 6 million combinations of his or her mate. Crossing over is another way to create genetic variability

Describe a sperm cell. a tiny, tadpole-shaped structure.

Describe the epididymis, and explain its function.
A tightly coiled threadlike tube about 6 meters long. Sperm mature in the epididymis.

Explain the mechanism that produces an erection of the penis.
Parasymathetic nerve impulses release vasodilator nitric oxide, which causes the arteries leading into the penis to dilate, increasing blood flow into erectile tissues.

List the general functions of the female reproductive system.
Are specialized to produce and maintain egg cells, also to transport these cells to the site of fertilization, and to provide a favorable enviroment for a develeloping offspring. Also to move the offspring outside, and produce female sex hormones.

Describe the structure of an ovary.
Solid ovoid structures measuring about 3.5 centimeters in length.

Define ovulation.
As a follicle matures, its primary oocyte undergoes meiosis I, giving rise to a secondary oocyte and a first polar body. This is called ovulation.

Describe the structure of the uterus.
A hollow, muscular organ, shaped like an inverted pear.

Define menstrual cycle.
Regular recurring changes in the endometrium, which culminate in menstrual bleeding.

Describe the process of fertilization.
WHen a sperm reaches a seondary oocyte it invades the follicular cells that adhere to the oocytes surface. An enzyme is released that helps the sperm penetrate the zona pellucida.

Discuss the events that occur during the birth process.
Muscular contractions force the fetus through the birth canal. Rhythmic contractions that begin at the top of the uterus and travel down its length force the contents of the uterus towards the cervix. THe head stretches the cervix, upon pushing against the cervix reflex stimulates stronger labor contractions. The placenta comes out after the birth.

Define contraception. A way to prevent pregnancy.
List several methods of contraception, and explain how each prevents pregnancy.
Condoms - keeps sperm out of vagina
Birth control pill- Prevents ovulation and implantation
Withdrawal - Removal of penis before ejaculation.

List several sexually transmitted diseases.
Genital herpes
Genital warts


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