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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Drills On Diction Worksheet

Root - Term- Definition- Sentence

adip –adipose - Relating to fat. - Body fat is less commonly known as adipose tissue.

bio – biology : the study of life - I took biology when I was in the 10th grade.

capit - decapitate- To behead. - There were many devices used in medieval time to decapitate criminals.

cephal – cephalad – towards the head- If you stand on your head, the blood will flow cephalad.

Corp –body – corpse –towards the head- There were many corpses in the dungeoun.

crani –cranium—the part of the skul that encloses the brain- The long fall cracked his cranium.

dent –dental- relating to or used to the teeth- He needed several dental procedures.

hist –history- the branch of knowledge that records and researches past events – Some believe you must understand your history before you can understand your future.

later – lateral - to the side – The quarterback escaped the tackle by passing the ball laterally.

ocul –oculist- relating to the eye- The oculist considered becoming an optometrist

oste – osteoblast – a bone forming cell – People would not have bones if they lacked osteoblast.

phag –phagocyte- a cell that eats bacteria – Phagocyte is a cell of the immune sysem

pleur –pluera- membrane lining the lung and chest cavity – The shot damaged his pluera.

quad – quadriceps - a large four-part muscle at the front of the thigh that facilitates leg
extension- He did squats to strengthen his quadriceps.

stern –sternum- the breast bone – The bone in the middle of your chest is called the sternum.

ab –abduct- movement of any extremity away from the midline of the body- To pass the ball the quarterback used abduction.

ad –adrenaline- A hormone and neurotransmitter - Adrenaline can affect how you think.

angi - angiography- A procedure to x-ray blood vessels – The Hiv patient needed a angiograph.

auto – autograft - surgical transplantation of any tissue from one part of the body to another location on the same individual – The doctor signed his name on the patient rather than autograft his skin.

centi –centimeter - A metric unit of measurement for length. – The carpenters measurement was off by 4 centimeters.

dextro –dextrad- to the right – He adjusted his throw to the left to correct his dextrad precision.

epi –epidemic- An outbreak of a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and widely – Small pox was the epidemic that killed the majority of native americans.

ex - excision – removal by surgery – Nephrectomy is the removal of the kidney by excision.

inter – interrenal - Between the kidneys – The painful internal wound was interrenal.

non - not capable of living or developing successfully – The doctor was relunctant to tell the patient they were nonviable.

ortho - orthopedic- having to do with the bones. – The patient underwent orthopedic surgery.

path -pathology- The study of disease – Pathology is becoming a mandatory class.

pseudo –pseudopod- A transient protrusion or retractile process associated with cell movement and feeding.- The eukaryote cell became a pseudopod.sinistro –sinistrad – After the quarterback fixed his dextrad throw he began to throw sinistrally.

cide –aborticide-the act of destroying a fetus – The doctor asked the patient was she sure she wanted to proceed with aborticide.

itis –hepatitis- Inflammation of the liver – It’s not a secret that Pamela Anderson has hepatitis.

logy –histology - The study of tissues and cells under a microscope. – The school placed new orders for microscopes for its histology class.

meter – pedometer- a device for measuring to distance walked – Whenever he jogged he brought his pedometer.

plasty – osteoplasty - plastic surgery of the bones. – The patient was put to sleep at the beginning of her osteoplasty.

Scope – otoscope - A small, lighted viewing instrument for the ear. – The doctor looked into her ear with his otoscope.

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