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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Basic Ear Anatomy

Sketch a picture of an ear and label the following:
Inner ear
middle ear
outer ear
tympanic membrane

What is the function of the following:
Pinna: Directing Sound waves into auditory canal

tympanic membrane made of pinna and auditory canal.

ossicles magnifies sound produced by ear drum (so you hear it loud and clear)

cochlea: contains fluid that moves when ossicles vibrate. Causes hairs to move which nerves intepret and send to brain to create hearing.

semicircular canals: balances the body, its the equilibrium. its attached to the cochlea. both are filled with fluid. when the fulid floods to one side it moves hairs that nerves tells the body to balance itself back out.

What three bones make up the ossicles? Stapes, Malleus, and Incus

What is the function of hairs in the ear? they move when fluid moves under them which is . the movement turns into nerve impulses that your brain inteprets