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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Heart

All vertebrates have what type of circulatory system?
closed circulatory system

How does the circulatory system maintain homeostasis?
Through water and electrolyte tranport, fluid volume control, and regulation of pH and of body temperature.

Name 4 functions of the circulatory system.
Transports dissolved nutrients to body cells
Maintains homeostasis
Carries Hormones
Transports oxygen

What are blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart called?

What are blood vessels that carry blood to the heart called?

What is the sac that surrounds the heart called?

What is the muscular portion of the heart called?

What is the lining of the myocardium called?

What is the name of the upper cavities of the heart? The lower cavities?
Atria, and ventricles

What veins carry blood to the left atrium? The right atrium?
Superior vena cava, and inferior vena cava,

What arteries carry blood away from the left ventricle? The right ventricle?
aorta, pulmonary