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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Neuron Cell Article Assesment

Steve stice is a reasearcher from the university of georgia who uses neural cells to create a device that detects the presents of chemical agents, possibly such as anthrax, or nerve gas. The devices that are used now are run by mouse neural cells, however they die off quickly. Contrary to human neuron cells that can last up to four months. This device could be helpful in a warzone, chemical accident area, or a every day situation. However political representatives dont always agree with the research because they believe destroying embyros crosses a moral line. However researches presented the idea of using naturally dead embyros, rather than those that come from abortions.

I dont have a specific reaction to this article basically because of my indifferent views on abortion. If the devices could help out people in a situation where people could possibly be killed than i think they should go ahead and produce the devices with the best possible cells that they have, even if they come from aborted embyros. Morally correct or not aborted embyros are already dead, witholding them from science is doing nothing but risking further lives. Lives themselves, which are the sole reasoning behind abortion issues should be held as the first priority.

1 comment:

Duval said...

I really enjoy reading things that you write because I can tell that you think about what you say. Many people regurgitate information, but you very obviously state your opinions and thoughts.